Integrative Medicine

The Integrative Medicine (IM) curriculum at MDFMR is organized longitudinally and includes online learning, a structured block experience, and opportunities to apply knowledge to clinical practice. Residents interested in IM are also encouraged to gain additional exposure to this facet of medicine through an elective experience. Throughout the curriculum, well-being and balance in residency is emphasized.

Web-based Curriculum

MDFMR was a pilot site for the innovative Integrative Medicine in Residency (IMR) program launched by the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine and continues to participate in this competency-based online curriculum. All residents are required to complete a minimum of 80% of the learning modules by graduation.

The curriculum is evidence-based and includes conventional and complementary approaches to the management of the medical problems presented. All courses have interactive core content and contain case studies allowing residents to apply the new knowledge to patients encountered in family medicine.

Structured block

During the first year of residency, there is a series of more in-depth learning opportunities with integrative practitioners during a block rotation shared with Community Medicine and Critical Thinking in Medicine curricula. Experiences have included:

  • An introduction to shamanism
  • Mindfulness meditation training
  • An introduction to homeopathy
  • Study of botanical plants and edible mushrooms

Elective opportunities

Those who wish to explore areas of IM in more depth are encouraged to select an IM elective rotation in the third year. Residents have participated in a variety of experiences during their IM elective, for example:

  • Worked with local naturopathic physicians, homeopathic clinicians, acupuncturists, and herbalists
  • Participated in IM consultations in the outpatient setting
  • Participated in appointments for hypnosis and functional medicine
  • Co-facilitated IM shared medical appointments

Clinical application

Residents are encouraged to apply their knowledge clinically under the guidance of faculty attendings. For more information on the Integrative Medicine program at the Maine-Dartmouth Family Medicine Residency, please contact:

Alyssa Finn MD, Director of Integrative Medicine