Sample Schedule

The yearly schedule includes twelve 4 week blocks and two coverage periods. Coverage periods occur the first week of the academic year when senior residents cover services during intern orientation, and during the December holidays. This is just a sample; actual schedules may vary.

RotationNo. of 4-week blocks (or total weeks)
Outpatient Medicine1
Inpatient Medicine2 or 3
Night Float(4 weeks)
Pediatrics - Inpatient/Outpatient2
Surgical Skills1
Community Medicine/ Integrative Medicine/ Critical Thinking in Medicine1
Emergency Medicine1
Orthopedics/Sports Medicine1
2 week coverage block during December holidays
2 sessions per week in continuity clinic
Longitudinal Integrative Medicine
Senior in Training - Inpatient Medicine(10 Weeks)
Elective(8-10 Weeks)
Maternal & Child Health1
Pediatrics Inpatient - Maine Medical Center1
Addiction Medicine/Behavioral Health1
Junior Practice Resident (outpatient FM block)1
1 week coverage block during orientation
2 week coverage block during December holidays
3 sessions per week in continuity clinic
Longitudinal Integrative Medicine
Senior House Resident - Inpatient Medicine(4-6 weeks)
Night Float(4-6 weeks)
Outpatient Pediatrics/ Adolescents1
Orthopedics/Sports Medicine.5
Senior Practice Resident (outpatient FM block)1
Emergency Medicine1
Management of Health Systems1
Maternal and Child Health.5
On-site Elective4
No Call Elective1
1 week coverage block during orientation
2 week coverage block during December holidays
4 sessions per week in continuity clinic
Longitudinal Integrative Medicine