News & Events

Providing prolotherapy in Honduras

Faculty member Dr. Sam Madore returned from a March trip to Olanchito, Honduras, where he joined a diverse group of 40 other physicians through the Hackett Hemwall Patterson Foundation (HHPF) to learn and provide prolotherapy treatment to hundreds of Hondurans suffering with chronic pain. Since 1969, the HHPF has organized trips to provide prolotherapy education […]

Food, friends, & fellowship

As the ONMM team was plodding their way through the long Maine winter, they decided to start a recurring gathering off-site to combat the winter blues together. Their activity of choice for sharing time outside of work? Eating! A dinner get-together to share food and friendship was formed. Meals are based on a creative theme […]

Dr. Barker receives AWESOME recognition from MaineGeneral

Our own Dr. Megan Barker was honored by MaineGeneral Health with a much-deserved A.W.E.S.O.M.E. award: Megan Barker, MD, is AWESOME (Award-winning Exemplary Scholar of Medical Excellence Award) on many fronts. A family medicine physician who provides a broad range of health care services to patients of all ages at Maine Dartmouth Family Practice (MDFP), “She’s […]

Catch a cooking class with Dr. Fingerman!

Anyone interested in healthy cooking and eating may want to try a class with faculty member Dr. Eileen Fingerman through MaineGeneral Health Prevention and Healthy Living! A one-session class on “eating to boost  brain power” will  be held on November 7 and repeated on November 28, and a two-session class, “fight inflammation with food,” is […]

Published! Drs. O’Connor & Kelly

Huge congratulations to faculty member Alane O’Connor, DNP and chief resident Brandon Kelly, MD on upcoming publication of their research study “Maternal and infant outcomes following third trimester exposure to marijuana in opioid dependent pregnant women maintained on buprenorphine” in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence. Their study of 191 maternal-infant dyads maintained on buprenorphine […]

SAVE THE DATE! 2017 Geriatric Symposium

MaineGeneral Medical Center in collaboration with MDFMR’s geriatric medicine department will present the 3rd annual Geriatric Symposium, titled “It Takes a Team: Reducing Polypharmacy and Adverse Drug Effects,”  on Thurs October 5, 2017, from 8 – 3:45 at the Alfond Center for Health in Augusta. The Symposium will focus on implementation of best practices for […]