News & Events

Textbook chapter published!

Please join us in recognizing Lisa Smith, DO, for her accomplishment as lead author on a textbook chapter titled Health Literacy for Older Adults, which appears in the newly published Reichel’s Care of the Elderly (8th edition). Dr. Smith worked with former MDFMR geriatric medicine fellowship director Dr. Annette Beyea and colleagues from the University […]

Bringing Nigerians in Maine Together

Please join us in recognizing third year family medicine resident physician Dr. Anita Nwanna-Nzewunwa’s efforts in bringing together the Nigerian community in Maine.  Dr. Nwanna-Nzewunwa co-organized the first-ever gathering of Maine’s Nigerian community and was interviewed by the news nonprofit Amjambo Africa!. The interview can be read here: Amjambo Africa! Vol 5 No 6 (starts […]

MOA Roswell P. Bates, D.O. Public Service Award winner!

Please join us in congratulating Rob Stevens, DO for being recognized with the Roswell P. Bates, D.O. Public Service Award from the Maine Osteopathic Association at their annual convention. This award is given for outstanding achievement in public health, political, or community service that enhances and demonstrates the osteopathic profession’s commitment to service above and […]

MOA Young Osteopathic Physician of the Year!

Please join us in congratulating John Diefenderfer, DO, C-NMM/OMM for being selected by the Maine Osteopathic Association as Young Osteopathic Physician of the Year at their 2022 annual convention. This award is conferred upon an osteopathic physician new in practice who has demonstrated the potential to become a major force in osteopathic medicine in the […]

Resident poster at AMSSM

Please join us in recognizing resident physician Dr. Kevin Connolly for a successful poster presentation at the 31st annual meeting of the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM) in Austin, Texas on April 10, 2022. Dr. Connolly’s case-based poster, titled Pain and paralysis: How a former extreme athlete lost his ability to walk, was […]

Resident Community Outreach Project!

Third year family medicine resident Bre Glynn DO created a video as part of a community outreach project to provide education on osteopathy and osteopathic manipulative medicine (OMM). Click HERE to view Dr. Glynn’s video. OMM is a service offered within MaineGeneral Medical Center, to patients at these practices: Family Medicine Institute in Augusta Maine […]

MDSM at NEACSM 2021 Fall Conference

Fellows from Maine Dartmouth Sports Medicine Fellowship delivered podium presentations at NEACSM’s 2021 Fall Conference, held in Rhode Island in October. Sports medicine fellow Mara Nydes MD presented “A tale of two casts,” co-authored by program director Chris Lutrzykowski MD, and sports medicine fellow Jessica Lucas DO presented “Lateral knee pain,” co-authored by associate program […]